What we saw whilst digging…

As you’ll know from my earlier posts we are blessed with a wide variety of wildlife on the plot and coming into close contact with it is one of the real highlights for all of us of having an allotment. Though we have all been at the allotment this week I must admit most of our wildlife spotting was pretty tame!

There was plenty of evidence that the ladybirds that have been hibernating in the shed all winter are now out and about ( and judging by the quite scandalous behaviour going on in the garlic patch we should be getting baby ladybirds too!).


Manda also found a baby slow worm while digging the new winter veg patch out which caused great excitement with Daniel. It was such a pretty colour but unfortunately I wasn’t able to get a picture of it. The other find that caused great excitement was when Manda dug this jaw bone up. Dan thought it was just fantastic but then he is quite the fan of gruesome discoveries!!


Our best guess is rabbit but would love to know if anyone thinks otherwise.